Wednesday, 6 May 2015


Not including our two actors, there are three people working on this music video. By the end of the project we would like to each have done a similar amount of work, while at the same time having taken dominant roles in specific areas. 

This naturally leads to each person having a role that they will fulfill in the group. We wanted the selection of these roles to be as organic as possible, allowing each person to choose their task because they wanted. This led to some roles being shared as well as people taking a backseat in some activities and coming to the fore front in others.

For example, I rather quickly fell into the editing position. I think this is because it was my idea that was chosen and I had already thought of a rough plot line that would work well with the song. This developed into me taking a dominant role in the filming portion of the project. With things such as editing and production being taken on by the other two members of the group, Sam and Jack. 

Shared roles would have ideas being bounced around between all three of us, hopefully producing the best work that we could.


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