I feel that it is important to have understanding of both your target audience as well as the people who don't fall into that demographic. One of the best ways to try and understand these people are by understanding their interests. One of the best ways to do that is by creating a short questionnaire and analyzing the results. The questions that I have chosen were designed to be first get an idea about the individual and which category of people they fall into, whereas the final few questions are meant to provide relevant information for my project, hence why I ask about music videos and Jose Gonzalez.
Personally, I find that most people will not spend a lot of time answering a questionnaire. I thought about this when thinking of what I wanted to ask. I have tried to extract all of the important information that I want in as few questions as possible.
Personally, I find that most people will not spend a lot of time answering a questionnaire. I thought about this when thinking of what I wanted to ask. I have tried to extract all of the important information that I want in as few questions as possible.
1. How old are you?
a. 13 – 17
b. 18 – 24
c. 24 – 40
d. 40+
2. What is your Gender?
a. Male
b. Female
3. What is your favourite music genre?
a. Rock n' Roll
b. Pop
c. Rn B
d. Romantic
e. Country
f. Punk
g. Alternative
h. Metal
i. Blues
j. Classical
k. Dub-step
l. Musical
m. Folk
n. Comedy
o. Other
4. How often will you watch a song's music video?
a. Often
b. Sometimes
c. Not very often
d. Never
5. What characteristics should a good music video have?
6. How do you usually hear a new song for the first time?
7. Have you ever heard of Jose Gonzalez before?
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